
Keys to Hosting Successful Building Blood Drives: Knowing Your Tenants & 创造正确的营销组合

Celeste Villanueva著

在过去的八年里,我一直在这个行业工作, 我曾管理过租户参与程度不同的建筑. 虽然有些建筑物可能没有活跃的租户人口, other buildings are sky high with tenants who will rush down to the lobby for ice cream socials or who make a mental note to remember the date of a building-wide event.

Appraising your building’s level of engagement is important as a property manager because it puts you in touch with the needs 和 interests of those you serve. 如果你的房客不想被打扰, 给他们自己的空间可能是让他们快乐的最好方法. 但对于那些渴望活动的租户来说, you have the added benefit as a PM to host events that tenants will eagerly mark on their calendars. And you can even organize events that simultaneously meet both tenant needs  社区的需要. 几周前,我很幸运地在我的大楼里做了这件事, 南拉塞尔街120号.

6月10日,在 红十字会 还有无数的房客, 林肯地产公司 sponsored a building-wide blood drive that resulted in donating enough blood to save 111 lives! This was the third, 和 the most successful, blood drive I have organized during my career.  Our goal was to donate 30 pints of blood (a pint of blood save three lives), but we ended the day by h和ing over 37 pints of our blood to the 红十字会.

我们决定举办一次献血活动,因为我们的主顾, 的PrivateBank他想回馈社会. 私人银行最初计划将硬盘保留在内部, but then concerns arose of whether or not enough people would volunteer to make the drive possible. 工作人员 members at 的PrivateBank then approached me to ask if 林肯地产公司 could donate conference room space to host a drive that would be open to the entire building. We fully backed this initiative 和 happily scheduled a time for the conference room. 在日期和时间确定之后, 我们开始与红十字会敲定献血活动的细节.


The Captivate Screen we posted to spread the word about our blood drive.

We then hit the ground running promoting the event 和 encouraging people to volunteer. My job was to put up a Captivate Screen announcing the drive 和 to send out a promo email to all building tenants. 的PrivateBank created excitement around the drive by recruiting “Celebrity Donors,包括首席执行官和几位副总裁. With the “top dogs” donating their blood, people felt a communal urge to volunteer, too.

The Boston Marathon bombing occurred during the time we were enlisting volunteers. We referenced this tragedy to drive home the point that donating blood truly saves lives. 把献血活动和某件事联系起来, 我们觉得我们能够激励人们做出改变.

的PrivateBank also had a deeper connection to the events surrounding the Boston Marathon, as staff members had recently organized a company Running Club comprised of people who run about 5 – 8 races a year. 跑步俱乐部每周都会发邮件招募捐赠者, hung flyers in break rooms 和 kitchens 和 posted volunteer details on the PrivateBank’s Intranet site.

到6月的时候,我们已经有30多名志愿者报名了. 当开车结束时, we exceeded our goal by 7 pints 和 even took blood from some last-minute volunteers. A total of 43 people donated their blood on June 10 和 all of those who made the event possible went home that night knowing our collective effort paid off.

当我开始思考主持这个驱动器的跑腿工作时, 我意识到我们的成功有五个关键因素. I would like to share these factors with you because I underst和 that hosting a blood drive may seem overwhelming when there is no guarantee that your building tenants will show up or that the blood pint requirements established for your building will be met.

These tips are meant to help you determine if a blood drive is realistic for your building 和 if so, 如何使你的驾驶难忘和成功.

1)了解你自己大楼的租户参与程度. If your tenants are not an active group, a blood drive may not be for you. 但如果你有精力充沛的房客,他们渴望参与进来, 举办一次献血活动也许值得花时间.

2) Work closely with an anchor tenant in planning 和 promoting the blood drive. You 和 your anchor tenant can spread excitement for the blood drive throughout the building. 您还可以为您的驱动器设置一个独特的功能, 比如私人银行招募的名人捐赠者, 哪一个会引发一场强有力的口碑营销活动.

3)与你的租户沟通,沟通,沟通. It’s not enough to just tell the main contact of your tenants about the drive, 因为他们可能不会将信息传递给他们的员工. If your building has a way to get the message out to all the employees, 就像一个Captivate屏幕, 这是你应该利用的十大网赌靠谱网址平台. 此外, 血库代表 may have some user-friendly marketing materials that you can easily customize.

4) Utilize your lobby staff, such as security guards, to help spread the word. My building is lucky to have a very outgoing security guard who welcomes each guest with a smile 和 a greeting. He was pivotal in informing tenants about the blood drive 和 encouraging people to sign up.

拯救生命需要一个团队. Not only did our security guard 和 the rest of the building staff help spread the word, 他们也献血! 拯救生命是一项共同的努力, 这座大楼凝聚在一起,超越了我们设定的目标. 作为额外的奖励, working together to host this blood drive was well worth the effort – it strengthened the building management team 和 our relationships with the tenants!

Please contact me if you have any questions about hosting a blood drive. 我很高兴与大家分享取得成功的最佳实践. 你可以给我发电子邮件 CVillanueva@LPC.com.

Lastly, I would like to stress that blood banks are always in need of donors. Blood has a limited shelf life 和 needs to be replenished on a regular basis year-round. You never know whose life you’ll impact or save by taking the time to donate blood. 我鼓励大家 组织一次旅行 by the end of the year so that you 和 your tenants can make a difference.